Browsing Archive: June, 2015

Sad News

Posted by Rupert Connor on Thursday, June 18, 2015, In : General News 
Sad news reached us today when we discovered that Eric Walker (builder of our steam engine No. 10) passed away last Christmas. We had a lovely time and were warmly welcomed by Eric and his wife Gloria when we enjoyed an inspirational visit to his Kirton Light Railway. Since then we have received much help and encouragement from Eric with building our KLR. We've appreciated Eric's help over the years and he will be sadly missed by us.
There was much more to Eric's life than the building o...
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Jigging the jig

Posted by Rupert Connor on Saturday, June 13, 2015, In : Bridge 
A few days of bright sunshine earlier this week meant we could make a jig to hold the holding down bolts in position and add the last half ton or so concrete into the abutments. The polystyrene cones around the bolts (to be removed once the concrete has set) allow for final adjustments to the positions of the bolts to make sure they fit into the base plates that the main beams will be fitted to. The voids left by the cones will be filled with construction grout to hold the bolts firmly...
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Gearing up for work

Posted by Rupert Connor on Monday, June 8, 2015, In : Bridge 
We've just come inside after baling out the water that had collected in the top sections of the bridge abutments not yet filled with concrete. We were being bitten by midges so it must be warming up. Hopefully we can now move on from how we left things at the end of last year (as shown in the picture below) and get the holding down bolts that will hold the bridge deck onto the abutments concreted into place.

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