Bridge design

Posted by Rupert Connor on Friday, June 28, 2013 Under: Bridge
The basic oval (phase 1 on the Track Plan page) is now more or less complete except for construction of the bridge. As usual a surprising amount of time has been used moving piles of stones and stripping/relaying turfs. At least today's rain is welcome as it should give the newly laid turfs a good watering.

The idea for the bridge is to keep it structurally simple, but add some decorative ironwork to make the design appear more complex. Structurally we intend using two 'universal' steel beams to support the track (tied together using steel rod every quarter of their length), resting on concrete block abutments. Can anyone out there confirm that two 152x89x16 universal beams will be sufficiently strong to carry an estimated load of about 2 tons over a span of 10 feet or about 3 metres?

In : Bridge 

Tags: bridge design construction